Thursday, June 18, 2009

today we met with some ladies to set up 2 new projects to order a big container of household and clothing items that is gathered by Deseret Industries. these are huge containers, between 15-20K dollars in one container. they are 40 ft. long and are shipped here on a boat. this is just the start of the prljects. left to right-Aiman, Pamela, Jack, Raigul, an associate, Mira, and Aiman's husband.


  1. we are glad for you that you are keeping busy with the two new projects that you are doing. that will keep your mind at what you need to do there.

  2. We love the pics. It is great to see some of the people and area and to hear about the projects you are working on. Keep up the good work. You both look like you are really enjoying this.
